Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Traditions

Christmas Traditions

1. What is your favorite Christmas song? Any of the classics 'Jingle Bells' 'I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas' ect.

2. When was your most memorable Christmas? Probably Isaacs first Christmas

3. What is your favorite Christmas treat? I like Danish Butter Cookies, sugar cookies, and chocolate covered Oreos

4. What do you dislike most about the Christmas season? Not being able to afford getting everything for Brent and Isaac

5. What do you like best about the Christmas season? The Feel

6. Who is the hardest person to shop for on your Christmas list? Anyone, I am the worst at shopping for other people

7. If you could receive one gift without money being an issue, what would it be? Alot of money, or a car, preferable both

8. What is your idea of a perfect Christmas Eve? Family, Christmas movies, games, and dad reading about Christs birth

9. Which do you like best, eggnog or hot chocolate? Hot chocolalte for sure

10. Do you prefer a fancy Christmas tree, or one decorated by the kids? One of each, thanks to mom I want one in every room, but the one with the presents should be decorated by the kids.

11. What is your favorite family Christmas tradition? Saving one present for Christmas afternoon

12. Do you like fruitcake? EWWW!!

13. Do you prefer skiing or snowboarding? Havent done either but Brent is a snowboarder so that will probably be me as well

14. Are you dreaming of a white christmas or do you say "Bah Humbug" to snow? I love snow, the more the merrier

15. What was your favorite gift from Santa when you were a kid? a microscope

16. What is your favorite Christmas movie? A Muppet Christmas Carol

17. Have you ever eaten snow? We used to just wait for it to snow so we could make Snow Ice Cream

18. Who do you wish could be with you this Christmas? Both of my families, it always sucks that I can only spend christmas with one family

19. When do you put up your Christmas lights and decorations? As soon as possible, usually Thanksgiving day or the day after.

20. Real or artificial Christmas Tree? I like artifical, I am sure that I would like real trees more but I dont even get to smell them so it is just a mess, and you can put an artifical up alot earlier, but Brent likes the real tree so that is what we get.

Who do you want to tag? Tiffany, Shai, Jenna, Jennifer, and Ali

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Not the best week

This has just not been my week, First I had to get an emergency root canal on my tooth which was hurting so bad that I had to abuse nyquil so that I could sleep through an entire day just so I wouldnt feel anything, which caused me to miss a day of work, which also means that our Christmas is going to be even more sparce than it was going to be before cause, no dental insurance means $700 dental bills, twice. Second we got the estimate on our car from the accident that Brent was in and the damage is more than the car is worth which means that we are going to have to go into more debt to get a new car, and we will have to make monthly payments which sucks, and it wasn't even his fault. And finally this week begins the Post Offices Christmas, which sounds alot better than it is, it just means that I will be working 6 days a week possibly 10 hour days, with little things like a hot chocolate machine at work to make me feel better about only seeing Brent for 20 min everyday.

There are always good things to balance things out so that I dont get to depressed when things go like this, for instance, Kris has been staying with us for a few days which is always fun, of course there is Isaac, I just don't know what I would do without this kid he makes everything so much better, and Brent, the most supportive and loving husband anyone could ask for.

So this was my week, I have had alot better, but also alot worse. And I have great people in my life to make things that much better.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

YEAH Insurance!!

So our work has finally decided to give us insurance that is affordable, they used to charge like 900 dollars for a family per month, (please tell me who can afford that making like 14 dollars an hour?) now it is 150 bi-weekly per family. I did not even realise how much not having insurance has weighed on my mind, I feel strangly light now that we have the insurance set up, even though it doesn't kick in till Jan. 9th. We have been without insurance since Isaacs 1st birthday, and he turns 3 in April, so we have alot to be thankful for.

I just wanted to say congratulations again to Shai and Cade, and Morgan and Cody, I cant wait for the new additions to the family.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Mommy Survey

What is your baby's birthday?: April 16, 2006

What day was your baby born on?: Sunday, Easter.

Was your baby early or late?: Exactly on time

How old is your baby now?: 3 in April

Is your baby a summer,winter,fall,spring baby? Spring

Was it a boy or girl?: Boy

Did you want a boy or a girl?: I wanted a boy and Brent wanted a girl

Babys weight at birth?: 8 lbs 11 oz

Baby's weight now?: 29 lbs

Babys height at birth?: 20 in

What is your favorite moment as a mommy so far?: Seeing Isaac learn things that I am trying to teaching him.

Are you still with the baby's father? For Eternity

What is your baby's name?: Isaac Hunter Lee

How did you pick it?: We didnt know a boys name so when I was 8 1/2 mo pregnant we looked through a book.

Was your baby named after anyone special? No

Are you a proud mommy? Absolutly

What is the biggest accomplishment in your life?: Overcomming all my many trials and becoming a wife and mother.

Do you want any more kids?: Yes I do

How many? Like 4

Who takes care of your baby most of the time?: It is split between me and Brent

How much weight did you gain when you were pregnant?: Like 70 lbs

Have you lost it all?: I have 20 lbs left to lose. Yeah!!!

Did your baby have any hair when born?: Some, not a whole lot.

What color?: Brown

What color eyes does your baby have?: The most beautiful blue

Who does your baby look like?: Just like Brent

How long were you in labor?: I was started so I was in the hospital overnight

How long did you push?: 20 mins

Did you deliver naturally or c-section?: Naturally with an epidural

Who drove you to the hospital?: Brent

How many days did you stay in the hospital?: I was in for 2 days but stayed there for a week while Isaac was sick.

Do you want boys or girls in the future?: Hopefully both

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Talk About Scary

So Saturday night around 7 o'clock Isaac somehow got a hold of his bottle of vitamins, got the lid open and ate like half of the bottle. We called poison control so much that I am sure that they all knew about what had happened. We had to keep him up till like 2 am just to make sure that he was alright, and so far all is looking good. So let this be a lesson to all of you out there that dont think that, even if your kid can get the bottle of pills that is on the middle of the counter, he wont be able to open the childproof lid because, believe me, it is possible and, believe me, it will be one of the scariest moments in your life.

Monday, October 13, 2008


I have recently started listening to the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer, listening because my job is very dull and I listen to books for 8 hours 5 days a week, lately it has been 10 hours, I had run out of things to listen to having listened to Harry Potter at least 5 times (it gets very boring listening to the same things over and over). I had nothing else to listen to but a few series that I was not at all intrested in listening to. You have to understand that if I do not have a book that grabs my attention or intrests me in any way than time drags on and an 8 hour day can feel like 12 hours. I had downloaded the Twilight series because I knew that I would come to a point that I would need something new to listen to. I went in kicking and screaming not wanting to listen to it at all. I had only really heard from, excuse me, 'girly' people that these books were good, actually they said "GREAT!!!" which made me want to read them all the less. Now I must apoligize to all the people that I had doubts about their ability to pick out a good book, because they have been great. I am also very happy of the fact that my happiness at work relies very much on the fact that I have something to listen to, because without this fact I would never read this series, Brent actually has been annoyed with me because when I am home I am still wanting to listen to them (I would read them but we dont have the actual books). So I would not only like to apoligize to those people that I had doubts about, but I would also like to recommend this series to anyone, including men, that wants to experience a really good book.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Les Mis

So I have the best husband, Brent has known that I have wanted to go see Les Mis for a long time and so he took me down to Tuachaun and brought me to see it, when he thought that he probabaly wouldnt enjoy it, (and he ended up liking it more than he thought that he would). It was so good, anyone that has not had the opportunity to see this play needs to go and see it. It was the first time that brent and I have had a chance to go away for ourselves since we have been married, mom was really good and took Isaac for the night, so we were by ourselves. We stopped by and saw my Grammy, who I havent seen in a while, and talked to her for a couple of hours before we picked Isaac back up. It was a great couple of days.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Growing up

Sometimes I just cannot believe that my little boy is 2. It seems like only yesterday that we were getting ready to go to the hospital to have him. It is just amazing to me how much he has learned and grown in those short 2 years. I sometimes think back to when he was first born and how I thought that he was such a big boy, how I wished that he would learn to crawl then to walk, now I wish that I had more of that time to fully realize how much of a miracle he is. Isaac is my entire world and it is sad that I will never again have that time to be able to cherish every moment that I have with him. I can now only try to do my best to love every moment that I see his eyes light up when he learns something new, or even when he is just running around kicking his ball (his favorite thing to do). I hope that when he finally has kids he will be able to realize how much we love him.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Ice Cream

Brent decided to give Isaac a whole Ice Cream bar one day then go and talk on the phone while he ate. Needless to say it was very messy. But as crazy as this little 2 year old is, and anyone that has met him can agree with that, I cannot imagine my life without him.