Sunday, November 16, 2008

Mommy Survey

What is your baby's birthday?: April 16, 2006

What day was your baby born on?: Sunday, Easter.

Was your baby early or late?: Exactly on time

How old is your baby now?: 3 in April

Is your baby a summer,winter,fall,spring baby? Spring

Was it a boy or girl?: Boy

Did you want a boy or a girl?: I wanted a boy and Brent wanted a girl

Babys weight at birth?: 8 lbs 11 oz

Baby's weight now?: 29 lbs

Babys height at birth?: 20 in

What is your favorite moment as a mommy so far?: Seeing Isaac learn things that I am trying to teaching him.

Are you still with the baby's father? For Eternity

What is your baby's name?: Isaac Hunter Lee

How did you pick it?: We didnt know a boys name so when I was 8 1/2 mo pregnant we looked through a book.

Was your baby named after anyone special? No

Are you a proud mommy? Absolutly

What is the biggest accomplishment in your life?: Overcomming all my many trials and becoming a wife and mother.

Do you want any more kids?: Yes I do

How many? Like 4

Who takes care of your baby most of the time?: It is split between me and Brent

How much weight did you gain when you were pregnant?: Like 70 lbs

Have you lost it all?: I have 20 lbs left to lose. Yeah!!!

Did your baby have any hair when born?: Some, not a whole lot.

What color?: Brown

What color eyes does your baby have?: The most beautiful blue

Who does your baby look like?: Just like Brent

How long were you in labor?: I was started so I was in the hospital overnight

How long did you push?: 20 mins

Did you deliver naturally or c-section?: Naturally with an epidural

Who drove you to the hospital?: Brent

How many days did you stay in the hospital?: I was in for 2 days but stayed there for a week while Isaac was sick.

Do you want boys or girls in the future?: Hopefully both

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

That was sweet, you're a good mommy!