Let me start this blog by saying happy birthday to my dad. I love you so much and am so thankful that you are my father. I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday. Also, happy birthday to my bro-in-law Cade, hope you had a good day yesterday too.
So Saturday was my little boys 5th birthday. We had a great time at Chuck-E-Cheese with some of his cousins and aunties, and Nana and Papa. Thanks again for coming.
Here is the birthday boy. He had such a great time.
Blowing out the candles.
With Chuck-E
All his cousins, besides Zaylor, who were there.
Inside the ticket blaster. It was probably his favorite part of the party, he loved it.
With Auntie Erika
Opening presents.
He's so handsome. Kindergarten girls, hold on to your hearts!
What a fun party. I'm glad he had such a good day!
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