Friday, July 15, 2011

Harry Potter 7.2

Brent and I were able to go to the midnight show of the last Harry Potter. It was so good, probably my favorite of all the movies. The place was absolutely packed, we saw numerous Voldermorts, Harrys, Rons, and even a really convincing Hagrid. It was the first midnight show that both of us had gone to and it was so much fun, plus we didn't have to pay which always makes things more fun, all we had to do was wear Neumont shirts and then have Brent post a pic of us wearing the shirts on facebook and link the picture to Neumont. Anyway, any of you who like the books needs to make sure to go to this movie in the theater, it looked so good up on the big screen.

We tried to get a picture of the theater but it was hard to get a good view of just how packed it was.

Here is the picture we got of us in our Neumont shirts

I have posted a bunch of blogs today so keep scrolling down to see the rest of them.

1 comment:

Jen Reil said...

How fun! We're going to see it tonight!