Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Fair

This last Saturday we were thinking of things that we could do with the boy and we remembered that the Utah State fair was going on. So we got in the car and drove downtown and went to the Fair. The first thing that we did was go and see the animals. Isaac LOVED it. We were pretty surprised because he wasn't scared at all to pet any of the animals, he immediatly tried to pet any animal that he saw.

Here are a few pictures of our day at the fair.The Sheep nibbled on Isaac's arm just as Brent took the picture.

This was the first animal that we saw and Isaac could not stop smiling.

I was trying to get a picture of just the boy but other kids kept rushing in and sitting down, so here is a picture of Isaac and a couple of kids we dont know petting a calf.

We went on a few of the rides, but there werent alot that he could go on alone so I got to go with him on most of them. We didn't take alot of pictures, mostly just videos.

It was such a nice Saturday spending time together as a family. It will be sad when Brent starts school and we wont be able to just go and do things like this anymore.

Side note-Today was Isaac's first day in Day Care with big-boy underwear and he didn't even have an accident, he is such a little man.

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